The image through the graphic design
The logo of Cecilia was created by the Engineer Giuseppe Camerini, who founded and run the Winery for more than ten years.
The formal harmony of the logo is given not only by the symmetries and repetitions of the drawings, but mainly by an underlying mathematic principle.
Several other examples can be found in the ‘I marmi’ farmstead, but we’ll focus on the first design, present in all the wine labels. It represents a pattern based on the first of three non-periodic tiling systems of the plane made by the famous physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose – the one comprising six geometric shapes, including three apparently equal pentagons.

Each figure has to be intended as fitted with pairs of joints, and each male can fit only its corresponding female. Thus, a non repeating yet infinite pattern is generated.
After several attempts, it is not difficult to get to a limited extension composition, but this raises the question “as it is, could the pattern go on for ever”? A question without an answer.
So, a precise solution was proposed: no more joints, by using a theory of composition which, if applied, guarantees the coupling prescribed. Patterns like this can be made also by using the computer graphics, where a pentagon is subdivided, whereas the label for Cecilia is freer, whilst complying with the theory.
Anyone interested in a complete analysis of Penrose’s systems can refer to the book, ‘Tilings and patterns’- W.H. Freeman and Company, page 531 onwards.